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Common instructions:

1.Appointment on compassionate ground is made to the dependents of Railway servants who lose their lives in the course of duty or die in harness while in service or are medically incapacitated/ decategorized/missing.

2. Son/daughter/widow/widower of the employees are eligible to be appointed on compassionate grounds.

3. Where the widow cannot take up employment and the sons/daughters are minor, the case may be kept pending till the first son/daughter becomes a major i.e. attains the age of 18 years, subject to compliance of other conditions.

4. Welfare inspector shall explain the relevant provision for appointment on compassionate ground to the widow/ward of the employee within 15 days of the death of Ex-employee. Delay in application by the applicant/widow shall be recorded by the welfare inspector in writing with reason thereof and signature of the applicant.

5. Normally the persons seeking appointment on compassionate grounds should fulfill the conditions of eligibility regarding age and educational qualifications prescribed for appointment to the posts or grade concerned. However, the upper age limit may be freely relaxed on merits of the case.

6. In case of appointment of a widow/wife not having requisite minimum educational qualification, she will be placed in the Level – 1 (7th CPC), without insisting on fulfillment of educational qualification norms, provided the appointing authority is satisfied that the duties of the post against which she is being appointed can be performed with the help of some on job training.

7. The candidates applying for appointments on compassionate grounds in Level 2 & above should be subjected to a suitability (written) test and medical fitness before being considered against suitable vacant posts, subject to availability of vacancy and administrative requirement. The candidates applying for appointment on post in level 1 should be subjected to screening test (paper screening) & medical fitness before being considered against suitable vacant post in level 1 subject to availability of vacancy administrative requirement.

8. Maximum of three chances to the wards and four chances may be given to widow/wife having prescribed qualification to qualify in the suitability test (i.e. 50% & more) for the post ion level 2 & above. However, the candidates will have to apply for such additional chance.

9. In case the applicant desires to be transferred his CGA case to other Railway/Division, he/she may request for the same in writing. His/her case may be transferred to other railway/Division and suitability may be done by the Railway/Division, where transfer is sought.